I cant find my other sock

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I guess you can call me slow to blog. As those of you who stop over from MaeRae may know I'm chained at home for a while- surgery- so I am catching up on b-movies, repeats of Law & Order and contemplating ways to continue to avoid finishing my thesis paper. I will never understand how something you want to be over so badly is sometimes the hardest to complete.

Well I promised myself 2 days ago that if something I saw on facebook still continued to bother me I would post a blog about my discontent- just to vent- well the discontent has not left so here goes.

To Those Sitting In Your Nice Warm- Non-Earthquake Ridden Living Room- No Matter Your Sexual Orientation

One of my acquaintances posted on facebook " For those of you (like me) who are unhappy with the Red Cross' discriminatory practices against homosexuals, there are more fair-minded relief organizations to which you can donate for Haiti relief, such as Oxfam." Now I have no problem with any ones personal sexual orientation. The post could have said for those of you like me who are unhappy with the Red Cross' discriminatory practices against ___________ (fill in the blank; hmm-- ox farmers, teachers, redheads, hot dog vendors, etc). What bothers me is that a family in a town near my home is waiting for some kind of word from their child who is in Haiti- as they watch on television-the Haitian people bury unidentified remains in mass graves to thwart disease- ever wondering if their child is one of those never to be identified.

So when someone feels the need to post such a ridiculous suggestion as to how one should send relief-Instead of just posting"please send relief to the Haitian people"- while sitting in their warm stable environment- puts me over the edge. We are missing the point (society- not necessarily just this acquaintance).

Yes, I am for the greater good and I feel for those in minority groups who have to fight for their rights- however- when we let these things get in the way of assisting other human beings we are missing the point. It is a fight for the greater good- to me anyway- and I have put aside some of the things I might normally stood strong for when situations call for me to look at the big picture and change my fight even if only for a moment. Help and assistance should not bear stipulations- and since I don't know what the Red Cross has done to incite the gay community- perhaps that statement can be thrown right back in my face.

It is truth that they have the resources to help, and for me if I can give what little I have to insure that even one human being can have food and clean water to drink, then I am not overly concerned with the vessel in which delivers it- only that it gets delivered.

If the Red Cross has wronged the gay community - is this really the platform from which you need to prove your point? Inform the public of how they have wronged you- but find more stable platform. The Haitian people cannot afford stipulations.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wow three years- things have certainly changed in my life. Didn't think I would ever get back to this blog- but a friend starting posting- so. Well I am now 4 weeks away from my Masters of Early Childhood Education- teaching third grade (after one year of teaching first and one of teaching second, Im moving on up)- and my husband is on sabbatical from his diaconate formation. We have one in college three in High School and an extra living with us. Life has definitely been eventful.
3 of four of the children are driving- so I will continue to breathe a sigh of relief every time they arrive in the driveway safely after each journey and Dating-oh like it wasn't hard enough when we had to do it- now we have to watch them go through the growing pains and try to stay out of it all at the same time.
Im sad to say that I haven't had much time for my art and miss it so much that my hands itch for a little freedom to create.
Im also coming to the realization that my parents arent getting any younger, my children are growing way too fast and I never have enough time to spend with the love of my life. Even still life is good, wouldn;t change it- just want to fast forward a little.
Be Well.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I was just wondering if anyone else on the East Coast feels a bit fuzzy in the brain lately. I have been suffering dreadfully with seasonal allergies and find myself praying for that first "killing frost", even though I will miss my morning glories - I really enjoy breathing so much more.

So last time I checked in we were heading to the registry of motor vehicles with my oldest son. Well, he passed and I have become the parent of the empty parking lot. The last time we went to practice we were met up by another family begining the same process, as we conversed about the changes we would now be facing a large laddered fire truck pulled into the lot, I was a bit worried that there was a problem at the school (my place of employment), but it turns out they were there for driving lessons too. It made me very glad that I only had to teach someone how to drive a mid sized sedan.
Today I will leave you with one of my favorite creations so far - another color montype I created in August of this year, it was inspired by a painting entitled "Mater Dolorosa"( The Virgin Mary sorrowing for the death of Christ) by Bartolome Esteban Murillo.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Well this week marks many firsts for our family; My fourteen year olds first day of high school, daughters first day of middle school, first day back for the rest of us, and my first child to turn 16. Each is approached with joy and a little bit of sorrow. My children are growing – a process I can’t seem to stop no matter how hard I try – and I dread to say aloud they seem to be outgrowing their need for me – oh its still there but much less pronounced. I suppose the fact that I still feel the need for a hug from my Mom & Dad (even at 37) on occasion should give me hope that I will always be needed.
Do they have a “Parents survival guide: an adjustment to having a child that drives” manual?, its coming too fast. If I could just clear the road of all the other cars, I am sure I would not worry at all. Our oldest is much like his Uncle Mark (You Duped Me Lord); perhaps the association of their brain capacity (extremely high functioning) could force some kind of Uncle driver training. Thinking alike and driving alike are the same and better to be trained by an equal peer. Therefore, Mark could you.
This week also marked my return to my classroom – Ah Kindergarten – it is a wonderful place. Our first day we had one child that cried most of the day (its tough leaving Mom, even I know that) – an improvement over last year and one child that was so nervous that he vomited in the middle of our “circle time” Overall it was a pretty uneventful day, at least compared to past experiences. It’s been 2 days and I am half in love with all of them – they will have me by Friday I’m sure – they always do. Our biggest issue this year 4 pairs of children with the same first name- Good thing they are really good at reminding us when we make a mistake.
I also returned to college this week – as a Senior. When I first began classes, I was nervous that I would feel out of place because I was “so old.” Since, I have made many new friends, many who now call me “Mom.” Its been an amazing journey seeing them all grow into young women. They still like to tease me though, last year it was about my organizational skills – they found my tab dividers and sheet protectors “cute.” When I walked into class today though, one of the girls was sure to show me her newly organized binder – just like mine- I guess we rub off on each other in many different ways.
Well my Astronomy homework calls- perhaps there are some answers among the stars
Be Well

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wow! Go canoing for a weekend and look what happens! Thanks for all your kind words and encouragement. I must admit that I'm not quite as well versed at how to maneuver my way around yet as I wish I was. Some of you asked questions, and if you had a link to your own blog with an email I tried to respond - although I havent completed that yet.

As much as I understand my brothers (Mark- You Duped me Lord) reasoning for his fast from blogging I miss it as much as the rest of you. He is a busy world traveler and his blog is a way that family can not only keep track of him, but feel involved in his amazing adventures. It also never hurts to procure some advise from your big brother. I know he talked about singing to the choir - but even the choir needs a positive tune on occasion to keep it in synch. Anyway I have confidence a balance will be found. So much for those of us who do not adapt well to change.

Some of your questions were about my journey as chatechist. I must admit that my methods are a little non-traditional - being a mother of 4 and a teachers aide in Kindergarten classroom for 21 has given me a lot of time for trial and error when teaching children. As most teachers of young children will tell you, the key to teaching the young is adapting to them - not attempting to adapt them to you. I bring this with me in public school academics and in catechesis. You would be amazed at how a simple experience can be converted to a catechal lesson if you only grasp the opportunity - some day I will have to tell you about the earthworm we found outside, and where that lead us. As for books - Benzinger has some good workbooks for Sacrament - but I must admit I simply used them as a guide and reference to share with parents - most of my class lessons were hands on (no not just coloring) experiences I adapted from my own knowledge base - and from taking cues from them. Our Parish currently uses a program called "Loreto", a three year cycle program that focuses on Church, Scripture and Creed. It was created by a Catechal board within our doicese - Again, I follow - use most of the materiels but adapt the lessons to the current group - how they learn and where I find there interests.

One of my more challenging older students - you all know him - or her- was finally showing interest when we spoke in class about Martyrs - he initially wanted to know how they put some of the martyrs to death - I obliged him - asked him to do an online search for me - he wanted to know if anyone was ever martyred by guilotine- a little morbid I must admit but not the end of the story - Riley can know tell me about many of the Saints - and not just about the ways in which they passed from this world - but what they did - and why they were worthy enough to be called Saint. I have learned to grab any thread available and run with it - get them involved first hand.

Anyway - thanks again for all your encouragement - I would love some advise on how to change the template of my blog - Ive seen some really nice stuff and would love to personalize mine a bit. I will leave you with a print of my other brother and his daughter - this was carved on hard linoleum and printed in multiple registration. I sketched the design from a photo my brother sent me - enjoy

Be Well

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ok so here goes. I have to admit that reading some of the posts of you bloggers who have been around a while leaves me feeling a bit unworthy. It is however comforting to find there are others in the world (the crazy place it can be) who are like thinkers.
I guess I can intoduce myself - I wear a lot of different hats - first and most importantly I am a Catholic wife (soon to be wife of Deacon) and mother of four amazing children. Those of you that are Moms or Dads know all the other roles that come with that - cleaner - comforter - counsilour and at times just plain dictator.
Currently my second hat is college student - Im a senior - yeah!! although being almost finished is of little comfort when you are persuing teaching - school will be my life both in job and professional development. I am also a catechist - though currently on sabatical.
The other roles - daughter, sister, friend all make my life very rewarding.
Anyway I dont quite know what my writings will cover - although faith, family, art, and education all come to mind.
Im reserved but excited about joining the blogosphere and hope to search out more of you and see what you have to say.
I will also take the opportunity to share some of my art. Here is a depiction of the crucifixion that I recently created in a printmaking class.
Be Well